Ending commercial sexual exploitation by increasing direct services to survivors and reducing the demand for paid sex. 

The EEC is a multi-sector working group of nonprofits and government agencies that address commercial sexual exploitation through the Equality Model framework. This framework increases direct services to survivors to survivors and reduces the demand for paid sex.



The EEC provides support and technical resources for sectors working to reduce commercial sexual exploitation.

The EEC provides education about the harms of the sex trade that are often misunderstood and also provides technical assistance to implement innovative tactics to reduce demand for paid sex across Washington State. These combined efforts ensure that our community's focus on commercial sexual exploitation stays on the buyers driving demand rather than those engaging in the sex trade themselves.


The Equality Model

Prioritizing the rights of survivors of commercial sexual exploitation while holding buyers and exploiters accountable.

The EEC’s multi-sector approach brings together survivors of prostitution, community service organizations, and local criminal justice authorities to carry out a comprehensive strategy to reduce demand and provide services to survivors of commercial sexual exploitation.



The EEC is a multi-sector working group of nonprofits and government agencies.

EEC members include Organization for Prostitution Survivors, Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking, Seattle City Attorney’s Office, King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, and the Washington State Attorney General’s Office.

Tools & Resources

Do you need support to address commercial sexual exploitation in your community?

  • For Direct Service Agencies

    Direct Service agencies are vital to supporting survivors of CSE. Find resources on how direct service agencies can work with others to provide more trauma-informed, survivor-centered care.

  • For Survivor Leaders

    Survivor Leaders are the guiding experts. Here you will find survivor-led resources on training, policy advocacy groups, and videos.

  • For Criminal Justice Agencies

    Law enforcement and prosecutors are key players in the reduction of commercial sexual exploitation. We offer survivor-centered practices, training, and resources.

  • For Employers

    Employers play a critical role in reducing the demand for paid sex. Find resources and training specifically for employers.