
For Survivor Leaders

As we envision a world where survivors are able to thrive, the EEC must create and sustain pathways for survivors to enter leadership positions within our own community. For CSE work to be survivor-led, pathways need to be clear and accessible so work can truly be guided and led by those who have been impacted by commercial sexual exploitation.

Survivor-Led Leadership Development

Resources to Enhance Survivor Leadership Skills from OPS:

  • Identity & Healing

  • The Power of Lived Experiences and Transferable Skills

  • Policy Approaches to Prostitution and Navigating Government Structures

  • Understanding Gender and Women’s Condition in Social Constructs and Oppression

  • Op-Ed Writing

  • Public Speaking

  • Social Media Activism

  • Lateral Oppression

  • Healthy Conflict Navigation

  • Navigating the Square World

  • Self-Care in Liberation

  • Economic Empowerment and Financial Literacy

  • Boundaries and Self-Care

  • Executive Functioning Skill Development

  • Overcoming Self-Defeating Thoughts and Behaviors

  • Fostering Connections

  • Overcoming Shame and Stigma

  • Building Safety and Security

  • Interpersonal Communication

Technical Assistance for Survivors in Nonprofit Management

OPS Technical Assistance

OPS survivor-leaders provide direct, 1:1 consulting support to survivors developing and navigating their own nonprofits. These leaders have extensive experience in creating and managing organizations from infancy to sustaining and scaling implementation and are excited to share this service with emerging survivor-leaders.

For more information, see here.