
For Direct Service Agencies

Direct Service agencies are vital to providing healing and care to survivors of CSE. See below a variety of resources on how direct service agencies can work with other community members and law enforcement to provide more trauma-informed, survivor-centered care.


The Organization for Prostitution Survivors and the King County CSEC Task Force have a wide variety of training scheduled and available to be crafted specifically to your organization’s needs. These trainings are hosted by survivors and direct service advocates who are experts and specialize in the best survivor-centered, trauma-informed care for those who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation.

Available OPS Training:

  • Survivor-Centered Organizations and Programming

  • Restorative Survivor-Centered HR 

  • Vicarious Trauma Mitigation 

  • The Art of Transformation

  • Somatics and Integrated Movement Therapy

  • Survivor-Centered Engagement

  • Survivor Leadership and Informed-Intentionality

  • Survivor-Centered Cross Sector Collaboration

  • Subculture and the Life

  • Impacts of Trauma of Brain and Behavior

  • Stages of Change

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Healing Organizational Trauma

  • Tapping into Transferable Skills

Available King County CSEC Task Force Training:

CESC 101: Responding To The Sexual Exploitation And Trafficking Of Youth

CESC 102: And Boys Too

CSEC 103: At The Margin: The Sex Trafficking of LGBTQ+ Youth

CSEC 201: Engaging Men To End Commercial Sexual Exploitation 

CSEC 202: Understanding & Responding To Running Away Behavior In CSEC

CSEC 401: Survivor Centered Programming

CESC 402: Walk With Me

CSEC 404: Human Trafficking In Indian County - Identify And Respond

Victim Advocacy

It is necessary for trained victim advocates to be available for survivors as soon as they are identified by law enforcement. The creation of more victim advocate roles across Washington state is imperative to elevating the survivor-centered, trauma-informed response to survivors. We envision that these advocates will support a trauma-informed, survivor-centered approach to police work and ensure victims of CSE are being given the necessary support as quickly as possible.

There are state and federal grants available to support positions like this, such as OVC FY 2021 Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking.